David C review for Veteran Movers NYC

Complete Review details by David C
  • Posted By :   
  • Posted On :   
  • Posted From :   
  • Review Title :   Best pricing and customer service
  • Star Rating :   
  • Rating:   5 Out of 5
  • Quote or Order ID :   
  • Origin :   
  • Pickup :   Early
  • Destination :   
  • Delivery :   Early
  • Honesty :   Poor
  • Knowlegeable :   Excellent
  • Hold Times/Promptness :   Excellent
  • Overall Customer Service :   Excellent

Review Description

This is the third move with Veteran movers for various family members in the last year! They are fabulous - they do a video walk through for an assessment of the job, give you a no-nonsense estimate, come on time, pack everything carefully (we take that option), and then bring everything promptly to the new place. Also very courteous and respectful. They are the best movers hands down - just one less thing to worry about during a move.

Total Review for Veteran Movers NYC  : 4      View All