review for Tokooe Better Auto Transportation

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  • Review Title :   Threatned me
  • Star Rating :   
  • Rating:   0 Out of 5
  • Quote or Order ID :   
  • Origin :   
  • Pickup :   Early
  • Destination :   
  • Delivery :   Never
  • Honesty :   NA
  • Knowlegeable :   NA
  • Hold Times/Promptness :   NA
  • Overall Customer Service :   NA

Review Description

According to Joseph everything they did are right including 1). Misinforming me about the deposit 2). Dispatching someone without my consent 3). Lying to me that my deposit will be refunded 4). Avoiding email communication because they dont want a paper trail 5).Threatening me not to post bad reviwes. Here is the story. I was initially told I can get my deposit in 7 days if I change my mind (Cathy Corn) I was not informed of their policies until AFTER I made the deposit. When I made the deposit I told Cathy of the dates I am expecting to ship. On the date I made the deposit a trucker called me late night telling me he will pick my car tomorrow morning. I was NOT notifed that someone was sent. Then I called Pat Lefezma and she admitted I was not notified of the dispatch. No email nothing. I was not ready to ship the day I made the inquiry. I told them we have to cancel that one and look for a different date. Then they found me a carrier for that day but due to a change in plans I decided to not to ship and called them to cancel. Then pat told me they can't refund my deposit becase they have 'dispatched' someone. The truth is only person who was actually dispatched was not confirmed by me. They didn't even ask me if I was going to be home. When later told this to Joseph he argued with me that they DO NOT need to call or email before dispatching a carrier to pick your car. I wad appalled! Not only that Joseph threatned me that if I post bad review that he will notifiy me as ' slandering'!!!!! How am I slandering when all this is exactly what happened. To be safe I filed a police report just because they have all my credit card information and addresses. This gets better. After my email communication with Pat I called Cathryn Corn. She told me I will get my deposit but when I asked her to send me an email confirmation she hesitated and said that accounting department would send it to me. I NEVER got anything. Both Pat Ledezma and Joseph argued with me that there is noway one of their employee's have given me wrong info and implied I was lying. I was extremely disappointed and disgusted by their conducted and lack of honesty,transparency, and professionalism. Not only did they lie, they did not disclose their terms and conditions before a deposit was made and NEVER admitted they made a mistake. I never got my $150 back. Go ahead Joseph report me to your 'slandering' authorities!!!! What a joke.

Total Review for Tokooe Better Auto Transportation  : 5      View All