Review Description
Yes I know this is not a business. Just the same I am going to review it. This will be a short review. A few years ago I traveled old Route 66. This is a drive that takes a lot of time because it covers many states and many parts of the old road no longer exsist but what is still there makes for a lot of fun. Many of the towns are still there and there are many at least when I was there ghost stations along the way. Places that were abandoned due to new hiways being built. This is a very nice historic drive. My only regret is that I did not have a camera with me. So If anyone has pictures of this historic route please feel free to share them with everyone. I do plan to make the trip again and this time I will bring a camera. Thanks for putting up with my non business review. If anyone decides to make the trip I guarantee you will not be sorry. This route will take you places you never knew existed.