Kena review for Jay's Auto Transport inc

Complete Review details by Kena
  • Posted By :   
  • Posted On :   
  • Posted From :   Kansas
  • Review Title :   DELETE THE MIDDLE MAN !!!
  • Star Rating :   
  • Rating:   0 Out of 5
  • Quote or Order ID :   777140-NT
  • Origin :   Louisiana
  • Pickup :   On Time
  • Destination :   Kansas
  • Delivery :   Early
  • Honesty :   Poor
  • Knowlegeable :   Poor
  • Hold Times/Promptness :   Poor
  • Overall Customer Service :   Poor

Review Description

Bad communication skills. Forgets payment agreements we made a few days before delivery, but can remember email I wrote weeks ago. This guy gave me an offer of $475 to move my car and I SIGNED A CONTRACT FOR $475. I paid my $100 deposit, and he told me that I would owe the driver the remaining balance of $375. I gave him time to find a driver from 06/5 to 06/20, however, it was approaching the end of the pick up window so I offered to increase my price $100. When I sent him this email of a potential price increase he said that he would start off increasing it by $25 first and so on, because he CLAIMED HE WANTED TO SAVE ME MONEY. I agreed with that plan then I went on about my business. He finally called me and said that he found a driver and that he would be able to pick up my car on that day so he went on and on about the process and so I finally asked him, well how much did he accept. He said that the driver went for the original contract price of $475; which in my mind meant that the driver would only be getting $375 from me since I already paid Jay $100. So I go out of my way to get a money order for $375 and the driver says it is $475 you owe me. I told him the other $100 went to Jay and he says he didn't know anything about that. Jay gets a $100 cut from each job he else would me make any money. So when I called home he wanted to play dumb like he did not remember our conversation two days ago about the payment price. Anyway, I had to come out of pocket an extra $100 to pay the driver. The driver's services were great and Jay should no receive credit for that so that is why I did not rate well on promptness etc it is the Calvert Transportation that deserves a five star rating from me. Even the guy said not to deal with broker I.e. The middle man. DEAL DIRECTLY WITH THE DRIVERa and DELETE THE MIDDLE MAN ; your deals will go well. My car made it here on time an in one piece thanks to CALVERT TRANSPORTATION LCC.

Total Review for Jay's Auto Transport inc  : 32      View All