Review Description
Just had three GST short busses literally fly by my driveway after whipping around the corner where there are hidden drive markers. My drive way, being the hidden drive of one of the signs, I was waiting at the bottom to pull out and if not for rolling my windows down and listening as well as a mirror that allows for some limited sight around the corner, they would have hit and killed me and my infant son. They must have taken the corner at least sixty and I honked at every single one of them to slow down. Unbelievable. I then followed and caught up to them which took a while because they were still speeding, got license plate and information to call and complain and had the office woman say that she does not think they would have three busses out at the same time in the same location. Okay, so now you are calling me a liar as I am forewarning you that your bus drivers are wheeling their busses around like morons. I would be seriously worried about anyone either in their path or using their bussing services and entrusting children to their care.