Michael Zakrajsek review for Enterprise Auto Transport

Complete Review details by Michael Zakrajsek
  • Posted By :   
  • Posted On :   
  • Posted From :   Arizona
  • Review Title :   Loss of Money
  • Star Rating :   
  • Rating:   1 Out of 5
  • Quote or Order ID :   990909017
  • Origin :   Florida
  • Pickup :   On Time
  • Destination :   Arizona
  • Delivery :   On Time
  • Honesty :   Poor
  • Knowlegeable :   Good
  • Hold Times/Promptness :   Poor
  • Overall Customer Service :   Poor

Review Description

In early June, 2016, I contacted Enterprise Auto Transport, by telephone, about shipping my car from Florida to Arizona. The preliminary contacts went well and on June 13, I paid a $200 fee with a credit card. Within a few days, I was notified that a carrier had been selected and arrangements were made for him to pick up my vehicle. On Monday, June 20, an agent of Enterprise contacted me to provide information about the driver and the pick-up arrangements. During that conversation, the agent informed me that anything could happen at the delivery point, and said to me that I should transfer to Enterprise, the drivers fee of $950 as that would ensure there would be no problems upon delivery. I am 74 years old and have not had much experience shipping cars so I believed the agent and promptly transferred the funds to Enterprise via a credit card transaction. The agent indicated that they could pay the driver via an electronic fund transfer. That was a lie. The agent took advantage of me, mislead me and caused me great financial harm. Enterprise was planning on setting up such a transfer capability, but did not have that capability at the time they asked me to give them the money. I would NEVER have transferred that money without the agent’s assurance that it was common practice and that the capability existed at the time we had the conversation. The driver selected was competent and efficient and very impressive when he picked up my car and when he dropped it off, in excellent condition. When he called me on Saturday, July 2nd, the day before he was to deliver the car, he informed me he had not been paid and would not deliver the car without being paid, in cash, before delivery. It was a Saturday, I had just arrived in Phoenix and I had less than 24 hours to come up with $950. I managed to get the money and had my car delivered. During the move, I misplaced my wallet, with the credit card used for the transactions. That made it impossible for Enterprise to credit the $950 back to me. I asked for a check. The agent said she mailed a money order to the address of the business office in the Assisted Care facility my wife and I were moving into. The agent said that the money order was stolen and cashed by persons unknown. I am sympathetic to the agent’s problem. However, none of this would have happened if the agent had not taken advantage of my age and confusion to talk me into paying the $950 to Enterprise when they did not have the capability to pay the driver. That was dishonest and unfair. I am a retired serviceman living on a fixed income and the loss of this money is very problematic.

Total Review for Enterprise Auto Transport  : 18      View All