Review Description
I made a reservation with this company to have my car shipped to Boston on 2/2/11 for pick up between 2/4 and 2/5 ONLY, since I was taking a flight to Boston that Sunday. I asked the representative I spoke to (Denise) indicate this on the contract because that would be the only time I could do it, since I was leaving on Sunday to Boston. She guaranteed me that yes it would not be a problem and that they would call me no later than that Friday 2/4/11 in the morning to confirm time of pick up. Friday came around and no call regarding my pick reservation. I contacted Denise and left several message on Friday 2/4/1; it was not until 10 minutes before 5pm someone call me telling me that they did not find a driver and would not be able to get my car picked up until Monday because they were closed on the weekend. However, again they guaranteed me they would call me first thing Monday morning with pick information for my car to be picked up that Monday. So had to scram and called friends to see who may be able to help and look after my car and be there for the pick up as I would be in Boston by then (inconvenience). Well Monday came around and no calls I called again several times and left messages and nothing. By 3pm I had not heard from anyone, so I decided just to make other arrangements since this company had showed to be unprofessional and irresponsible with the handling and follow through of my reservation. I Called around 3:30pm on 2/7/11 and left a message to cancel my reservation. I then got an email at 3:55 saying that they had found a driver for Tuesday 2/8/11. So, I email them back and told them to just cancel and that I had left a message regarding this already earlier and to please refund my money. They send me an email saying ok, to complete cancelation form and they would credit me. I never once got an apology for all the inconvenience, stress and hardship they cause me. Then when it came time for them to process my credit they took forever and once they did they said they would not give me my money back that they can give me accredit for future shipping services with them that would expire in one year. I of course told them no, they breach contract and cause me great inconvenience and I was entitle to my money back. They said no, so then I went through the bank to try and get my money back and they even refuse with them. It was a total of like 5 months of going back and forth with them trying to have them credit my bank account for the $195 deposit they took. This company was rude, unprofessional, and irresponsible and did not care that they were taking my money for proving absolutely NO SERVICE and they had breach contract.