review for AmeriFreight

Complete Review details by
  • Posted By :   
  • Posted On :   
  • Posted From :   Connecticut
  • Review Title :   review
  • Star Rating :   
  • Rating:   5 Out of 5
  • Quote or Order ID :   
  • Origin :   Connecticut
  • Pickup :   On Time
  • Destination :   California
  • Delivery :   On Time
  • Honesty :   Excellent
  • Knowlegeable :   Excellent
  • Hold Times/Promptness :   Excellent
  • Overall Customer Service :   Excellent

Review Description

good service, recommend to other customers. Pick up and delivery are both on time, service is in good quality too. Compared with other carriers I used before, this one is above average. Although it costs a little more, it worth the money.

Total Review for AmeriFreight  : 795      View All