laurie mindnich review for All Weather Auto Transport Inc

Complete Review details by laurie mindnich
  • Posted By :   
  • Posted On :   
  • Posted From :   New York
  • Review Title :   Do Not Trust This Company
  • Star Rating :   
  • Rating:   0 Out of 5
  • Quote or Order ID :   
  • Origin :   New York
  • Pickup :   Never
  • Destination :   Colorado
  • Delivery :   Never
  • Honesty :   NA
  • Knowlegeable :   NA
  • Hold Times/Promptness :   NA
  • Overall Customer Service :   NA

Review Description

Anthony was called two weeks ago to transport a car. The orgination of the vehicle was explained- he "knew the area- it will be no problem"- have this in writing. The price will be $950- "it won't be more than that- I don't do business that way." It will be on time- "No problem." By the time Anthony located a driver, it was 1. not going to be picked up at the location- I would be required to drive it an hour and 20 minutes away (location issues, AS HE HAD BEEN TOLD)- 2. It was scheduled ONLY IF I PAID NEARLY 30% MORE THAN THE QUOTE- an additional $300. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY- THEY LIE, DON'T HAVE INTEGRITY, AND THEN REFUSE, AFTER FAILING IN THEIR AGREEMENT, TO REFUND THE DEPOSIT. STEER CLEAR OF THEM!

Rebuttal for this comment
Title    :     my side
Rebuttal    :     I had a price and a driver in the very beginng, than she needed the car pick up sooner than my driver could .At this point i had to find another driver fast and she told me that she would meet the driver because she lived in a far out place and the driver i had was going to do everthing she wanted . i told her the price will a bit higher and than she hung up the phone and did not want to hear anything. i dont understand what she was thinking .i will still find her a driver if she wants.
Posted By     :      Anthony
Date               :     22-05-2012
Title    :     Not true
Rebuttal    :     Anthony, you are not being honest. You were told on May 2 that the car could be picked up anytime after the 15th, but had to be there no later than the 25th. I had to call you on the 18th to see what you had, and because the price was higher than quoted, gave you until the 21st to figure out how to honor your pricing. When you couldn't, and told me that I'd have to drive the car an hour and twenty minutes away and pay three hundred dollars more for the hassle, I said no, just provide a refund and I'll find someone else. You immediately told me that there would be no refund, despite the fact that no driver had been dispatched. Wrong answer. Consumers need to be aware that you do not follow your own terms, that you undershoot pricing to get the deposit, and that you will try to keep the deposit even if you fail on your end. Why woud I leave a deposit at all if it were going to turn out this way. I don't want to do business with a person who is fundamentally dishonest, and most people feel the same way. Next time, be honest with customers and you might find that they're more willing to work with changes that come up. Consumers, this person will attempt to retain deposits even when his end of the contract fails just get a copy of the dispatch with a date and time stamp.
Posted By     :      laurie mindnich
Date               :     23-05-2012
Title    :     Simple- refund the deposit
Rebuttal    :     And Anthony, I am happy to provide to consumers on this board that you returned a deposit due, since the vehicle was never dispatched. That is the only acceptable solution, so we will see what you do. You are trying to retain it against the terms of the contract. Forcing me into getting the bank involved, which they are willing to do, is adding a hassle that should not be happening, if you have any integrity. You are not entitled to it, so give it back. No dispatch equals a return of the deposit, and you have no proof of a dispatch.
Posted By     :      laurie mindnich
Date               :     23-05-2012
Title    :     A+
Rebuttal    :     I have 7 reviews of customers that were un happy and 44 customers were very very happy and have used me more than once. Now Please understand have move 500.00 to 1000 cars a year. I think i am honest and upfront, and 99 percent of my customer are very happy .keep your eyes open for all the good reviews that are coming soon. ps to all of the customers that are not happy i am very sorry.I try my very bset to do the right thing at all times.
Posted By     :      Anthony
Date               :     25-05-2012
Title    :     Good
Rebuttal    :     So I can expect my refund immediately. That's what honest people do when they fail on their end of the contract. Why are you keeping deposits if you are honest.
Posted By     :      laurie
Date               :     28-05-2012

Total Review for All Weather Auto Transport Inc  : 108      View All