Chris review for A 1on1 Transport Services Inc

Complete Review details by Chris
  • Posted By :   
  • Posted On :   
  • Posted From :   Colorado
  • Review Title :   Terrible Customer Service and Unreliable
  • Star Rating :   
  • Rating:   1 Out of 5
  • Quote or Order ID :   Z306246
  • Origin :   Massachusetts
  • Pickup :   Late
  • Destination :   Colorado
  • Delivery :   Late
  • Honesty :   NA
  • Knowlegeable :   Poor
  • Hold Times/Promptness :   NA
  • Overall Customer Service :   NA

Review Description

So we went with 1on1 transport as my girlfriend used them to get her CRV from Mass to CO. Now it was my car's turn, went with Joe, put my deposit of $150 down on March 1, was told this was plenty of time in advance for April 16th pick up. I was quoted $989 total. April 16th comes, I call Joe up to see estimated pick up time, no answer, get a call back about 30 minutes later saying the truck drivers truck broke down. But no worries, they have another driver, I am thinking he is about to say for later that day (Monday) or tuesday, he says for Thursday. I tell him my car is supposed to be there on Thursday, he tells me that the truck broke down and theres nothing they can do, I am sorry but that is not my problem that your truck broke down, asked about some type of discount and all he did was beat around the bush. I then said I am not going to get my car until Monday (23rd), Joe said no, the driver said that if he picks it up thursday he will have to me on Saturday. I told him I booked a month and half in advance, I need a discount or another truck, please figure something out and call me back later in the day. I never got a call back on Monday, I called that evening, no answer, called tuesday, no answer so I left a voicemail, got no call back. Wednesday comes and the truck driver calls me telling me he will pick up the car thursday morning, i asked him when the car will arrive, he said Wednesday (25th). I called Joe again, figures no answer, left a voicemail, this voicemail i finally said firmly, "I would appreciate if you be professional about this and return my call". No call back. Driver finally calls me on Wednesday the 24th, saying I owe him $850 instead of $839 and the car will arrive tomorrow (thursday). So I call up Joe, he answers! He said that he put in $850 by mistake, to give the driver $850, and he will credit my card back $11 dollars. No mention or apologizing of the missed calls, not returning voicemails, late pick up, late delivery, nothing. I said thanks for the $11 and hung up. So month and half in advance, deposit down, for the 16th, truck breaks down, no pick up for me. Now told they will get my car on 19th for the 21st. Pick up on 19th, but delivered on 25th. Month and half in advance, late pick up, very late drop off, no discount, ignored phone calls, voicemails and no apology. Do not know if its a bad company, or was handed off to a terrible employee. One thing I do know, is when we move back to Boston at the end of our 1 year lease, these two cars that we used with them, will now be handled by a different broker.

Total Review for A 1on1 Transport Services Inc  : 4      View All